Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chicken and Dumplings-1 Carol-0

Can I cook?  Well, yes.  I think so.  But there are a few recipes that no matter how many times I try them, I just can't get it to come out right.  For instance, Fudge.  I've worked my butt off trying to make Christmas Fudge for all of our friends and family.  I've made at least 10 batches, each one not turning out in same in way.  What the hell?  I have no idea what went wrong during each batch, all I know is, I'm done trying.  Sorry folks, if you want Fudge this year, you'll have to hit up another house.  Most recent recipe to bomb?  Chicken and Dumplings.  I wanted something warm, homemade and yummy for dinner last night so I decide to whip out an old favorite.  I did everything right, all was well, dropped in the dumplings, simmer and when I returned to check on my yummy goodness. .  well, it looked more like something that my dog would hack up.  Again, What the hell?  Poor Husband, I had told him earlier in the day my plans for our dinner so when he came into the ktichen and peered into the pot, he just couldn't hide his disappointment.  He ate one bowl, and I could tell he was choking it down. . (I appreciate the effort babe, we've been married almost 10 years though, so you are way past the stage of choking down my awful cooking!)  I should've asked Santa for some cooking lessons this year!

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