Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's Hot!!

It has been insanely hot here in the last couple weeks.  Those that know me well, know that I do not do 'hot' very well.  I've tried to suck it up though and do as many activities as the children want, even if they are outdoors.  Carter's time at camp flew by and now I'm back to all three kiddos fighting for attention!  I bought a slip-n-slide and a kiddie pool to entertain them without causing a heat stroke. . .It took me about 45 minutes to get everything set up and they played all of about 15 minutes before declaring it too hot and piling back inside to their TV and Wii.  Gee, thanks kids!  Mommy just nearly had a heat stroke/heart attack so you could splash in less water than our bath tub holds!  You know it's hot though when the children express no desire in going outside, which they haven't, the slip-n-slide sits next to the kiddie pool screaming for attention only to be ignored by us air conditioned addicts.

Tim and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary this past weekend, and by celebrated I mean that we took our children to the zoo!  That's right, we took a family trip in 100 degree weather to the Zoo, why?  Because we're idiots.  Actually, we were turned down by just about everyone for babysitting.  So, we thought if we couldn't go out alone, we'd at least have a fun family day.  That didn't work out so well though.  Carter refused to go, stating he was scared and had a ridiculous meltdown.  Grandma took Carter for the day so, Tim, Sam, Lily and myself trekked to the zoo though and sweatted more than I ever have trying to get a glimpse of these poor, overheated animals.  I think overall we had a nice time, but that didn't really start until we rode the zoo tram. . this provided a break from the heat and a fast paced view of the zoo, my kind of outing!  I took tons of pictures and would happily share a few with you kind folks, however, my beautiful daughter decided she needed to dunk my camera repeatedly in the toliet while I was cooking dinner.  My oldest son was fishing it out and dear husband caught him, assuming he was dunking it, punished him.  Chaos insued after this until Carter explained he caught Lily dunking the camera and was trying to save it from drowning--his words.  Never a dull moment around here!  I have the camera in pieces trying to dry out, crossing my fingers it works again. . .

4th of July was spent at home, nothing special.  Carter hates fireworks and Tim hates crowds, so we grilled out and watched some movies.  Later in the evening Sam and I got to venture outside and watch the neighbors firework show. . .
Sam is constantly eating, just FYI, so of course he had a firework show snack!  The pictures aren't great because they were taken with my phone, due to the camera having been dunked in the toliet. . . Nothing says Happy Birthday America like Cheez-Its, water logged electronics and taking in a free show thanks to the neighbors!

We've spent today have light-saber (sp?) fights (thanks to Carter's obsession with Star Wars) and playing dolls with Lily.  Good times folks, good times. . needless to say, this is how I feel. .

Wishing you all well!

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