Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm still here!!

I've been trying to get back here to the blog world for what seems like forever now!  I didn't realize just how long it had been until I logged in today. . shew!  The end of summer just took it's toll on me and I was super busy with the kiddos and back to school activities for everyone in this house.  The boys started school the first of August and my classes started back a few weeks after them.  Husband hasn't had any break from school, went all summer long and is in the last stretch, thank goodness!  So, I apologize for my absence and you now have my excuse, I hope you accept it and I promise to never do it again! (at least not anytime soon!).

The boys have been doing well with school and seem to be enoying it. . at least once they're awake and in the building.  While at home and getting dressed and ready for the bus, it's non-stop "I hate school."  "I just went to school yesterday, Do I have to go again?!"  I follow up with their teachers though and have got nothing but great reports. .  while I'm glad they behave and are happy when at school, I'd kinda like some of that goodness at home too, especially at 6 a.m. while I'm wrestling with them to get dressed.

Lily and I have enjoyed the quiet time at home minus the stinky boys. .  what little bit I've had anyway.  I've been swamped with my own homework (great idea waiting until after you have children to go to college).  I've also been busy volunteering at the school and applying for jobs.  I can't take this being broke thing anymore so I've decided I need to do something about it, we'll see how it goes. . . .

I forgot to mention some of the more interesting parts of my absence.  First, a HUGE plumbing problem.  I don't know what happened exactly or how it was fixed, but there were a few days that I noticed the drains weren't working so well and the toliet was needing an extra flush.  I alerted the Husband and he acted like I was insane and imagining these events and ignored me. .  (next time, I'll just alert the proper professional)  Eventually this turned into the sink not draining at all and the toliet would not flush or would fill up and take forever to drain, this then turned into sewage. .  yes, sewage, backing up into the BATHTUB!  At this point, I packed up the kids and went to a friends house and left Husband to see what I was trying to tell him.

While staying at this friends house (plumbers take a ridiculous amount of time to do their work) my youngest son decides he needs some extra TLC and goes into full blown Asthma attack. (Ok, so I realize he didn't do this on purpose and he's fine and it certainly wasn't a laughing matter at the time. .  looking back, if I don't joke about it, I'll cry about it.)  Off we went to the ER ,after his various meds weren't working.  Super low oxygen levels and 6 hours later, he was admitted into the hospital.  Dr's weren't so happy with his levels and he had to be placed on oxygen for several hours until he could maintain.  At this point, we're homeless and hospitalized and 2 of my 3 children are with our friends. .  friends I might add are relatively new friends and though this obviously shows what great friends they are. .  that's a lot to ask of them.  We were in the hospital for a couple days and Sam is fine, just needed the extra boost of medicine the Dr's could provide and a sample of that terrible hospital food, before returning to the friends house. 

Luckily the day we were released was the same day plumbing was fixed and we could return to our home. . . pack up the stuff, grab the kids, load the van, key in ignition. . . nothing. .  hmm. . key in ignition. . . NOTHING!  At this point, I couldn't contain myself and I screamed words that I didn't know that I knew at the sky, at the van, at the kids, at the dog. . not proud of myself, but after the hell I'd been through I just couldn't take much more.  The van battery was dead. .  great timing!  After some effort we were able to get home and settle back in.  The van has a brand new battery, so far the plumbing is back to normal and Sam has been doing well. . .

If reading that doesn't simply exhaust you . . well you have no soul. .  I'm kidding. .  but really, no soul. . .