We had to clean up quick after the party and start getting settled for the week ahead. Carter started camp this week. It's a day camp, geared toward children with disabilites. He's been super excited about it, as am I. Even with all of the fun, happy things going on here lately, it's been hard to truly relax and enjoy myself. Carter has been regressing a lot, at least in my opinion. A lot of his old habits are coming back. . various stims, aggressive behavior and his emotions are like an insane roller coast ride. It breaks my heart and frustrates me trying to figure out what I can do for him and protect his siblings at the same time. That's why I was so happy to drive him to camp this morning. I know the people there are wonderful and it helps for him to be around other kiddos like himself, as well as the therapeutic services that come with the camp. Thank goodness for Camp TJ and their wonderful staff.
I guess he comes by all of this honest because my emotions have been like a roller coast this week too. I've been so frustrated with things, hurt by some things and just flat out exhausted. I'm so ready to be living somewhere else. It just doesn't feel like home here, even after all of these years, it just doesn't feel like we fit in this place. If only we could get out of here for a while on a nice, lengthy vacation. . . I suppose I'll be traveling the globe via the computer and the various blogs I read and travel sites I frequent. . one of the cheapest vacations I've ever had!
I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the summer (soggy summer it seems here!) I promise to come back to the blog with more up-beat posts next time. . really, I do!